As CEO of Brilliance MAHK, I believe that our clients deserve the best. Our commitment to customer satisfaction and delivering top-quality steel products is unparalleled. We work diligently to deliver tailored solutions that meet their specific needs, whether that means providing hot and cold rolled steel plates, tin plates, pipes, fittings, or structural components.


At Brilliance MAHK, we put our clients first. We understand that their satisfaction not only means a successful partnership for us, but it also means that the products they manufacture are of the highest quality. We take pride in our ability to deliver on time and at a competitive price, without compromising on quality.


Our team of experts is committed to providing exceptional customer service and promptly addressing any questions or concerns that our clients may have. We believe that building strong relationships with our clients, based on trust, transparency, and professionalism, is essential to our success.

We are continuously striving to improve our products and services, based on feedback from our clients and the latest innovations in the industry. Our goal is to ensure that our clients receive the best products and services possible, every time.

Thank you for visiting BMT's website, and we look forward to working with you to meet your steel product needs.

Grace Luo Wen, CEO